---------- Topcliffe & Asenby Village Hall ----------

Two Villages – One Hall
The two villages – Topcliffe and Asenby – are separated by the River Swale and until April 2023 were actually located in different local authority areas: Topcliffe was located in Hambleton District and Asenby in the Harrogate District. But these divides did not create any barriers to local people, who have worked tirelessly to maintain a communal facility for the two villages.
The hall was originally built in 1961, extended in 1993, and refurbished in 1998/99. With further upgrades starting in 2015, and following a year-long major refurbishment, the Village Hall was officially re-opened on Saturday, 15 October 2016. The official opening was performed by Thirsk-based Vet, Peter Wright, who co-stars in the "Yorkshire Vet" series on Channel 5. He was ably assisted by Nellie Ascough, who at 96 was the oldest resident of both Topcliffe and Asenby villages. (Unfortunately, Nellie died in February 2018).
Many organisations are regular users of the Hall, including the Parish Councils of the two villages, various village committees, library, mother and toddler groups, indoor carpet bowls, Boccia club, Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Warm Hub, Soup and Sweet Lunch, pilates and yoga. The Hall is host to a range of annual events such as The Produce Show, Race Night and St George’s celebrations, as well as regular events such as birthday and Christmas parties, Sunday brunches, receptions, dances and film nights.
For further details please visit the Topcliffe Village website: Click Here
Availability, hire charges and bookings can be accessed online: Click Here