During the winter months (October to March), a group of volunteers organise a community Warm Hub at Topcliffe & Asenby Village Hall on alternative Wednesdays from 11.30am to 1.30pm. During this time, anyone can come along for a lunch and they only donate what they feel they can....or nothing at all.
Between 30 and 60 people attend and around a dozen meals are delivered to the homes of those who can’t get to the hall in person. The events have proven to be self-funding through donations on the day. In fact, the contributions have been so good that a donation of £50 is made to a local charity, whilst any surplus is channelled into a Warm Hub Fund, which will be used to help families and individuals in need as the financial crisis intensifies.
For further information please contact Karen Morley in Topcliffe on 01845 577426.